Order documents are used for the initial part of a order-to-invoice process where the buyer requests goods or services from the seller.

Schema ID



Tax Regime$regimel10n.TaxCountryCode
Addons$addonsarray of cbc.KeyAddons defines a list of keys used to identify tax addons that apply special normalization, scenarios, and validation rules to a document.
Tags$tagsarray of cbc.KeyTags are used to help identify specific tax scenarios or requirements that will apply changes to the contents of the invoice. Tags by design should always be optional, it should always be possible to build a valid invoice without any tags.
UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
Typetypecbc.KeyType of the order.
Seriesseriescbc.CodeUsed as a prefix to group codes.
Codecodecbc.CodetrueSequential code used to identify this invoice in tax declarations.
Issue Dateissue_datecal.DateWhen the invoice was created.
Operation Dateop_datecal.DateDate when the operation defined by the invoice became effective.
Value Datevalue_datecal.DateWhen the taxes of this invoice become accountable, if none set, the issue date is used.
Currencycurrencycurrency.CodeCurrency for all invoice totals.
Exchange Ratesexchange_ratesarray of currency.ExchangeRateExchange rates to be used when converting the invoices monetary values into other currencies.
Contractscontractsarray of org.DocumentRefThe identification of contracts.
Preceding Detailsprecedingarray of org.DocumentRefKey information regarding previous order documents.
Identitiesidentitiesarray of org.IdentityAdditional codes, IDs, SKUs, or other regional or custom identifiers that may be used to identify the order.
Periodperiodcal.PeriodPeriod of time in which the order is valid.
Taxtaxbill.TaxSpecial tax configuration for billing.
Suppliersupplierorg.PartytrueThe entity supplying the goods or services and usually responsible for paying taxes.
Customercustomerorg.PartyLegal entity receiving the goods or services, may be nil in certain circumstances such as simplified invoices.
Buyerbuyerorg.PartyParty who is responsible for issuing payment, if not the same as the customer.
Sellersellerorg.PartySeller is the party liable to pay taxes on the transaction if not the same as the supplier.
Lineslinesarray of bill.LineList of lines representing each of the items to be ordered.
Discountsdiscountsarray of bill.DiscountDiscounts or allowances applied to order totals
Chargeschargesarray of bill.ChargeCharges or surcharges applied to order totals
Payment Detailspaymentbill.PaymentDetailsInformation on when, how, and to whom a final invoice would be paid.
Delivery Detailsdeliverybill.DeliveryDetailsSpecific details on delivery of the goods to copy to the final invoice.
Totalstotalsbill.TotalsSummary of all the order totals, including taxes (calculated).
Notesnotesarray of org.NoteUnstructured information that is relevant to the order, such as correction or additional legal details.
Complementscomplementsarray of schema.ObjectAdditional complementary objects that add relevant information to the order.
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured data that doesn’t fit into the body of the order.
Attachmentsattachmentsarray of org.AttachmentAttachments provide additional information or supporting documents that are not included in the main document. It is important that attachments are not used for alternative versions of the PDF, for that, see “links” inside the envelope headers.

Tax Regime Values

AEUnited Arab Emirates
GBUnited Kingdom
NLThe Netherlands
USUnited States of America

Type Values

purchaseA purchase order is a document that a buyer sends to a seller to request goods or services.
saleA sales order is a document that a seller sends to a buyer to confirm the sale of goods or services.
quoteA quote is a document that a seller sends to a buyer to provide a price for goods or services.