Invoice represents a payment claim for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between the supplier and the customer.

Schema ID


UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
Typetypecbc.KeyType of invoice document subject to the requirements of the local tax regime.
SeriesseriesstringUsed as a prefix to group codes.
CodecodestringtrueSequential code used to identify this invoice in tax declarations.
Issue Dateissue_datecal.DateWhen the invoice was created.
Operation Dateop_datecal.DateDate when the operation defined by the invoice became effective.
Value Datevalue_datecal.DateWhen the taxes of this invoice become accountable, if none set, the issue date is used.
Currencycurrencycurrency.CodeCurrency for all invoice totals.
Exchange Ratesexchange_ratesarray of currency.ExchangeRateExchange rates to be used when converting the invoices monetary values into other currencies.
Preceding Detailsprecedingarray of bill.PrecedingKey information regarding previous invoices and potentially details as to why they were corrected.
Taxtaxbill.TaxSpecial tax configuration for billing.
Suppliersupplierorg.PartytrueThe taxable entity supplying the goods or services.
Customercustomerorg.PartyLegal entity receiving the goods or services, may be empty in certain circumstances such as simplified invoices.
Lineslinesarray of bill.LineList of invoice lines representing each of the items sold to the customer.
Discountsdiscountsarray of bill.DiscountDiscounts or allowances applied to the complete invoice
Chargeschargesarray of bill.ChargeCharges or surcharges applied to the complete invoice
Outlaysoutlaysarray of bill.OutlayExpenses paid for by the supplier but invoiced directly to the customer.
Ordering Detailsorderingbill.OrderingOrdering details including document references and buyer or seller parties.
Payment Detailspaymentbill.PaymentInformation on when, how, and to whom the invoice should be paid.
Delivery Detailsdeliverybill.DeliverySpecific details on delivery of the goods referenced in the invoice.
Totalstotalsbill.TotalsSummary of all the invoice totals, including taxes (calculated).
Notesnotesarray of cbc.NoteUnstructured information that is relevant to the invoice, such as correction or additional legal details.
Complementscomplementsarray of schema.ObjectAdditional complementary objects that add relevant information to the invoice.
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured data that doesn’t fit into the body of the invoice.

Type Values

standardA regular commercial invoice document between a supplier and customer.
proformaFor a clients validation before sending a final invoice.
correctiveCorrected invoice that completely replaces the preceding document.
credit-noteReflects a refund either partial or complete of the preceding document. A
credit note effectively extends the previous document.
debit-noteAn additional set of charges to be added to the preceding document.