Discount represents an allowance applied to the complete document independent from the individual lines.

Schema ID$defs/Discount


UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
IndexiintegerLine number inside the list of discounts (calculated)
Keykeycbc.KeyKey for identifying the type of discount being applied.
Codecodecbc.CodeCode to used to refer to the this discount by the issuer
ReasonreasonstringText description as to why the discount was applied
Basebasenum.AmountBase represents the value used as a base for percent calculations instead of the invoice’s sum of lines.
Percentpercentnum.PercentagePercentage to apply to the base or invoice’s sum.
Amountamountnum.AmountAmount to apply (calculated if percent present).
Taxestaxestax.SetList of taxes to apply to the discount
Extensionsexttax.ExtensionsExtension codes that apply to the discount
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured information.

Key Values

early-completionBonus for works ahead of schedule
militaryMilitary Discount
work-accidentWork Accident Discount
special-agreementSpecial Agreement Discount
production-errorProduction Error Discount
new-outletNew Outlet Discount
sampleSample Discount
end-of-rangeEnd of Range Discount
incotermIncoterm Discount
pos-thresholdPoint of Sale Threshold Discount
special-rebateSpecial Rebate
yearly-turnoverYearly Turnover