SubLine provides a simplified line that can be embedded inside other lines to provide a more detailed breakdown of the items being sold or substituted.

Schema ID$defs/SubLine


UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
IndexiintegerLine number inside the parent (calculated)
Quantityquantitynum.AmounttrueNumber of items
Identifieridentifierorg.IdentitySingle identifier provided by the supplier for an object on which the line item is based and is not considered a universal identity. Examples include a subscription number, telephone number, meter point, etc. Utilize the label property to provide a description of the identifier.
Periodperiodcal.PeriodA period of time relevant to when the service or item is delivered.
Order Referenceordercbc.CodeOrder reference for a specific line within a purchase order provided by the buyer.
Cost Referencecostcbc.CodeBuyer accounting reference cost code to associate with the line.
Itemitemorg.ItemtrueDetails about the item, service or good, that is being sold
Sumsumnum.AmountResult of quantity multiplied by the item’s price (calculated)
Discountsdiscountsarray of bill.LineDiscountDiscounts applied to this sub-line
Chargeschargesarray of bill.LineChargeCharges applied to this sub-line
Totaltotalnum.AmountTotal sub-line amount after applying discounts to the sum (calculated).
Notesnotesarray of org.NoteSet of specific notes for this sub-line that may be required for clarification.