SubLine provides a simplified line that can be embedded inside other lines to provide a more detailed breakdown of the items being sold or substituted.
Schema ID$defs/SubLine
Title | Property | Type | Req. | Description |
UUID | uuid | string | Universally Unique Identifier. | |
Index | i | integer | Line number inside the parent (calculated) | |
Quantity | quantity | num.Amount | true | Number of items |
Identifier | identifier | org.Identity | Single identifier provided by the supplier for an object on which the line item is based and is not considered a universal identity. Examples include a subscription number, telephone number, meter point, etc. Utilize the label property to provide a description of the identifier. | |
Period | period | cal.Period | A period of time relevant to when the service or item is delivered. | |
Order Reference | order | cbc.Code | Order reference for a specific line within a purchase order provided by the buyer. | |
Cost Reference | cost | cbc.Code | Buyer accounting reference cost code to associate with the line. | |
Item | item | org.Item | true | Details about the item, service or good, that is being sold |
Sum | sum | num.Amount | Result of quantity multiplied by the item’s price (calculated) | |
Discounts | discounts | array of bill.LineDiscount | Discounts applied to this sub-line | |
Charges | charges | array of bill.LineCharge | Charges applied to this sub-line | |
Total | total | num.Amount | Total sub-line amount after applying discounts to the sum (calculated). | |
Notes | notes | array of org.Note | Set of specific notes for this sub-line that may be required for clarification. |