An Attachment provides a structure to be used to attach documents inside a GOBL document, either as a reference via a URL, or directly as a base64 encoded string.

Schema ID


UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
Keykeycbc.KeyKey used to identify the attachment inside the document.
Codecodecbc.CodeCode used to identify the payload of the attachment.
NamenamestringtrueFilename of the attachment.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDetails of why the attachment is being included and details on what it contains.
URLurlstringURL of where to find the attachment. Prefer using this field over the Data field.
Digestdigestdsig.DigestDigest is used to verify the integrity of the attachment when downloaded from the URL.
MIME TypemimestringMIME type of the attachment.
DatadatastringData is the base64 encoded data of the attachment directly embedded inside the GOBL document. This should only be used when the URL cannot be used as it can dramatically increase the size of the JSON document, thus effecting usability and performance.