Ordering provides additional information about the ordering process including references to other documents and alternative parties involved in the order-to-delivery process.

Schema ID



Codecodecbc.CodeIdentifier assigned by the customer or buyer for internal routing purposes.
Identitiesidentitiesarray of org.IdentityAny additional Codes, IDs, SKUs, or other regional or custom identifiers that may be used to identify the order.
Periodperiodcal.PeriodPeriod of time that the invoice document refers to often used in addition to the details provided in the individual line items.
Buyerbuyerorg.PartyParty who is responsible for issuing payment, if not the same as the customer.
Sellersellerorg.PartySeller is the party liable to pay taxes on the transaction if not the same as the supplier.
Projectsprojectsarray of org.DocumentRefProjects this invoice refers to.
Contractscontractsarray of org.DocumentRefThe identification of contracts.
Purchase Orderspurchasesarray of org.DocumentRefPurchase orders issued by the customer or buyer.
Sales Orderssalesarray of org.DocumentRefSales orders issued by the supplier or seller.
Receiving Advicereceivingarray of org.DocumentRefReceiving Advice.
Despatch Advicedespatcharray of org.DocumentRefDespatch advice.
Tender Advicetenderarray of org.DocumentRefTender advice, the identification of the call for tender or lot the invoice relates to.