Charge represents a surchange applied to the complete document independent from the individual lines.

Schema ID$defs/Charge


UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
Keykeycbc.KeyKey for grouping or identifying charges for tax purposes.
IndexiintegerLine number inside the list of charges (calculated).
ReferencerefstringCode to used to refer to the this charge
Basebasenum.AmountBase represents the value used as a base for percent calculations instead of the invoice’s sum of lines.
Percentpercentnum.PercentagePercentage to apply to the Base or Invoice Sum
Amountamountnum.AmountAmount to apply (calculated if percent present)
Taxestaxestax.SetList of taxes to apply to the charge
Reason CodecodestringCode for why was this charge applied?
ReasonreasonstringText description as to why the charge was applied
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured information.