Base Details
Key | Value |
Tax Country Code | DE |
Currency | EUR |
Base Time Zone | Europe/Berlin |
Tax Categories
Code | Name | Title |
VAT | VAT | Value Added Tax |
VAT Rates
Key | Name | Percents | Description |
zero | Zero Rate | 0.0% | |
standard | Standard rate | 19% | For the majority of sales of goods and services: it applies to all products or services for which no other rate is expressly provided. |
reduced | Reduced rate | 7% | Applicable in particular to basic foodstuffs, books and magazines, cultural events, hotel accommodations, public transportation, medical products, or home renovation. |
exempt | Exempt | Certain goods and services are exempt from VAT. |
Correction Definitions
Auto-generation of corrective invoices or credit and debit notes is supported.
Invoice Types
The types of invoices that can be created with a preceding definition: