RegimeDef defines the holding structure for the definitions of taxes inside a country or territory.
Schema ID
Title | Property | Type | Req. | Description |
Name | name | i18n.String | true | Name of the tax regime. |
Description | description | i18n.String | Introductory details about the regime. | |
Time Zone | time_zone | string | true | Location name for the country’s central time zone. Accepted values from IANA Time Zone Database ( |
Code | country | l10n.TaxCountryCode | true | Country code for the region |
Alternative Country Codes | alt_country_codes | array of l10n.Code | Alternative localization codes that may be used to identify the tax regime in specific circumstances. | |
Zone | zone | l10n.Code | Specific Locality, region, city, province, county, or similar code inside the country, if needed. | |
Currency | currency | currency.Code | true | Currency used by the country. |
Calculator Rounding Rule | calculator_rounding_rule | string | Rounding rule to use when calculating the tax totals, default is always sum-then-round . | |
Tags | tags | array of tax.TagSet | Tags that can be applied at the document level to identify additional considerations. | |
Extensions | extensions | array of cbc.Definition | Extensions defines the keys that can be used for extended or extra data inside the regime that is specific to the regime and cannot be easily determined from other GOBL structures. Typically these are used to define local codes for suppliers, customers, products, or tax rates. | |
Identities | identities | array of cbc.Definition | Identities used in addition to regular tax identities and specific for the regime that may be validated against. | |
Payment Means Keys | payment_means_keys | array of cbc.Definition | PaymentMeansKeys specific for the regime that extend the original base payment means keys. | |
Inbox Keys | inbox_keys | array of cbc.Definition | InboxKeys specific to the regime that can be used to identify where a document should be forwarded to. | |
Scenarios | scenarios | array of tax.ScenarioSet | ||
Corrections | corrections | tax.CorrectionSet | Configuration details for corrections to be used with correction options. | |
Categories | categories | array of tax.CategoryDef | true | List of tax categories. |