AddonDef is an interface that defines the methods that a tax add-on must implement.

Schema ID


Keykeycbc.KeytrueKey that defines how to uniquely idenitfy the add-on.
Namenamei18n.StringtrueName of the add-on
Descriptiondescriptioni18n.StringDescription of the add-on
Extensionsextensionsarray of cbc.KeyDefinitiontrueExtensions defines the list of extensions that are associated with an add-on.
Tagstagsarray of tax.TagSetTags is slice of tag sets that define what can be assigned to each document schema.
Scenariosscenariosarray of tax.ScenarioSettrueScenarios are applied to documents after normalization and before validation to ensure that form specific extensions have been added to the document.
Inboxesinboxesarray of cbc.KeyDefinitionInboxes is a list of keys that are used to identify where copies of documents can be sent.
Correctionscorrectionstax.CorrectionSettrueCorrections is used to provide a map of correction definitions that are supported by the add-on.