RateTotal contains a sum of all the tax rates in the document with a matching category and rate.

Schema ID



Keykeycbc.KeyOptional rate key is required when grouping.
Countrycountryl10n.TaxCountryCodeCountry code override when issuing with taxes applied from different countries, it’d be very strange to mix rates from different countries, but in theory this would be possible.
Extensionsexttax.ExtensionsIf the rate is defined with extensions, they’ll be used to group by also.
Basebasenum.AmounttrueBase amount that the percentage is applied to.
Percentpercentnum.PercentagePercentage of the rate. Will be nil when taxes are exempt.
Surchargesurchargetax.RateTotalSurchargeSurcharge applied to the rate.
Amountamountnum.AmounttrueTotal amount of rate, excluding surcharges