
The following extensions are supported.

Document Type

Key: mx-cfdi-doc-type

ECredit Note

Relation Type

Key: mx-cfdi-rel-type

01Credit note for related documents
02Debit note for related documents
03Return of goods for related documents
04Substitution of the previous CFDI document
05Transfer of goods for related documents
06Invoice generated by previous transfers
07CFDI for advance payment

Place of Issue

Key: mx-cfdi-issue-place

Post code of where the invoice was issued. In CFDI, this translates to the ‘LugarExpedicion’.

Post Code

Key: mx-cfdi-post-code

Post code of a supplier or customer to use instead of an address. Example: “01000”.

Tax Type

Key: mx-cfdi-tax-type

Code defined in the CFDI catalogue “c_Impuesto” for the type of tax. Used in the ‘Impuesto’ field.

001Income Tax
002Value Added Tax
003Special Tax on Production and Services

Product or Service Code

Key: mx-cfdi-prod-serv

Code defined in the CFDI catalogue used to identify a product or service. Mapped to the ‘ClaveProdServ’ CFDI field.

Fiscal Regime Code

Key: mx-cfdi-fiscal-regime

Fiscal regime associated with suppliers and customers.

601General de Ley Personas Morales
603Personas Morales con Fines no Lucrativos
605Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios
607Régimen de Enajenación o Adquisición de Bienes
608Demás ingresos
610Residentes en el Extranjero sin Establecimiento Permanente en México
611Ingresos por Dividendos (socios y accionistas)
612Personas Físicas con Actividades Empresariales y Profesionales
614Ingresos por intereses
615Régimen de los ingresos por obtención de premios
616Sin obligaciones fiscales
620Sociedades Cooperativas de Producción que optan por diferir sus ingresos
621Incorporación Fiscal
622Actividades Agrícolas, Ganaderas, Silvícolas y Pesqueras
623Opcional para Grupos de Sociedades
625Régimen de las Actividades Empresariales con ingresos a través de Plataformas Tecnológicas
626Régimen Simplificado de Confianza

CFDI Use Code

Key: mx-cfdi-use

Chosen by the customer to indicate the purpose of an invoice.

G01Acquisition of goods
G02Returns, discounts or rebates
G03General expenses
I02Office furniture and equipment as investmen
I03Transport equipment
I04Computer equipment and accessories
I05Dies, punches, molds, matrices and other toolin
I06Telephone communications
I07Satellite communications
I08Other machinery and equipment
D01Medical and dental fees and hospital expenses
D02Medical expenses for disability or incapacity
D03Funeral expenses
D05Interest actually paid on mortgage loans (housing)
D06Voluntary contributions to the SAR
D07Medical insurance premiums
D08Mandatory school transportation expenses
D09Deposits in savings accounts, pension plans premiums
D10Payments for educational services (school fees)
S01Without tax effects

Payment Means

Key: mx-cfdi-payment-means

Code defined in the CFDI catalogue “c_FormaPago” for the payment method. Used in the ‘FormaPago’ field.

03Electronic Funds Transfer
04Credit Card
05Electronic Wallet
06Online or Electronic Payment
08Grocery Voucher
12Payment in Kind
13Payment by subrogation
14Payment by consignment
15Debt relief
25Debt remission
26Expiration of payment obligation
27To the creditor’s satisfaction
28Debit card
29Services card
30Advance payment
31Payment via intermediary