
The following extensions are supported.

SDI Transmission Format

Key: it-sdi-format

Code used to describe the transmission format of the invoice. By default the value “FPR12” is used unless the user explicitly sets the value to something else.

Normally this will only be needed when the invoice is to be sent to governmental bodies and must use the “FPA12” format.

FPA12Public Administration
FPR12Private Parties (default)

SDI Document Type

Key: it-sdi-document-type

Code used to describe the type of document being sent to the SDI. This is used to determine the correct schema to use when validating the document.

TD01Regular Invoice
TD02Advance or down payment on invoice
TD03Advance or down payment on freelance invoice
TD04Credit Note
TD05Debit Note
TD06Freelancer invoice with retained taxes
TD07Simplified Invoice
TD08Simplified Credit Note
TD09Simplified Debit Note
TD16Reverse charge
TD17Self-billed Import
TD18Self-billed EU Goods Import
TD19Self-billed Goods Import
TD20Self-billed Regularization
TD21Self-billed invoice when ceiling exceeded
TD22Self-billed for goods extracted from VAT warehouse
TD23Self-billed for goods extracted from VAT warehouse with VAT payment
TD24Deferred invoice ex art.21, c.4, lett. a) DPR 633/72
TD25Deferred invoice ex art.21, c.4, third period lett. b) DPR 633/72
TD26Sale of depreciable assets and for internal transfers (ex art.36 DPR 633/72
TD27Self-billed for self consumption or for free transfer without recourse
TD28Purchases from San Marino with VAT (paper invoice)

Fiscal Regime Code

Key: it-sdi-fiscal-regime

RF02Minimum taxpayers (Art. 1, section 96-117, Italian Law 244/07)
RF04Agriculture and connected activities and fishing (Arts. 34 and 34-bis, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF05Sale of salts and tobaccos (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF06Match sales (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF07Publishing (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF08Management of public telephone services (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF09Resale of public transport and parking documents (Art. 74, section 1, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF10Entertainment, gaming and other activities referred to by the tariff attached to Italian Presidential Decree 640/72 (Art. 74, section 6, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF11Travel and tourism agencies (Art. 74-ter, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF12Farmhouse accommodation/restaurants (Art. 5, section 2, Italian law 413/91)
RF13Door-to-door sales (Art. 25-bis, section 6, Italian Presidential Decree 600/73)
RF14Resale of used goods, artworks, antiques or collector’s items (Art. 36, Italian Decree Law 41/95)
RF15Artwork, antiques or collector’s items auction agencies (Art. 40-bis, Italian Decree Law 41/95)
RF16VAT paid in cash by P.A. (Art. 6, section 5, Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)
RF17VAT paid in cash by subjects with business turnover below Euro 200,000 (Art. 7, Italian Decree Law 185/2008)
RF19Flat rate (Art. 1, section 54-89, Italian Law 190/2014)

Exemption Code

Key: it-sdi-exempt

N1Excluded pursuant to Art. 15, DPR 633/72
N2.1Not subject pursuant to Art. 7, DPR 633/72
N2.2Not subject - other
N3.1Not taxable - exports
N3.2Not taxable - intra-community supplies
N3.3Not taxable - transfers to San Marino
N3.4Not taxable - export supplies of goods and services
N3.5Not taxable - declaration of intent
N3.6Not taxable - other
N5Margin regime / VAT not exposed
N6.1Reverse charge - Transfer of scrap and of other recyclable materials
N6.2Reverse charge - Transfer of gold and pure silver pursuant to law 7/2000 as well as used jewelery to OPO
N6.3Reverse charge - Construction subcontracting
N6.4Reverse charge - Transfer of buildings
N6.5Reverse charge - Transfer of mobile phones
N6.6Reverse charge - Transfer of electronic products
N6.7Reverse charge - provisions in the construction and related sectors
N6.8Reverse charge - transactions in the energy sector
N6.9Reverse charge - other cases
N7VAT paid in other EU countries (telecommunications, tele-broadcasting and electronic services provision pursuant to Art. 7 -octies letter a, b, art. 74-sexies Italian Presidential Decree 633/72)

Retained Tax Payment Reason Code

Key: it-sdi-retained

ASelf-employment services falling within the exercise of habitual art or profession
BEconomic use of intellectual works, industrial patents, and processes, formulas or information related to experiences gained in the industrial, commercial or scientific field, by the author or inventor
CProfits deriving from contracts of association in participation and from contracts of co-interest, when the contribution consists exclusively of the provision of labor
DProfits due to the promoting partners and founding partners of capital companies
EBills of exchange protests levied by municipal secretaries
FAllowances paid to honorary justices of the peace and honorary deputy prosecutors
GAllowances paid for the cessation of professional sports activities
HAllowances paid for the termination of agency relationships of individuals and partnerships, excluding amounts accrued up to December 31, 2003, already allocated for competence and taxed as business income
IAllowances paid for the cessation of notarial functions
JFees paid to occasional truffle collectors not identified for value-added tax purposes, in relation to the sale of truffles
KUniversal civil service checks referred to in Article 16 of Legislative Decree no. 40 of March 6, 2017
LIncome deriving from the economic use of intellectual works, industrial patents, and processes, formulas, and information related to experiences gained in the industrial, commercial or scientific field, which are received by those entitled free of charge (e.g. heirs and legatees of the author and inventor)
L1Income deriving from the economic use of intellectual works, industrial patents, and processes, formulas, and information related to experiences gained in the industrial, commercial or scientific field, which are received by subjects who have purchased the rights to their use for valuable consideration
MSelf-employment services not carried out habitually
M1Income deriving from the assumption of obligations to do, not to do, or to allow
M2Self-employment services not carried out habitually for which there is an obligation to register with the Separate ENPAPI Management
NTravel allowances, flat-rate reimbursement of expenses, prizes, and fees paid: - in the direct exercise of amateur sports activities; - in relation to coordinated and continuous collaboration relationships of an administrative-managerial nature, not professional, provided in favor of amateur sports companies and associations, and choirs, bands, and amateur theater groups by the director and technical collaborators
OSelf-employment services not carried out habitually, for which there is no obligation to register with the separate management (Circ. INPS n. 104/2001)
O1Income deriving from the assumption of obligations to do, not to do, or to allow, for which there is no obligation to register with the separate management (Circ. INPS n. 104/2001)
PFees paid to non-resident subjects without a permanent establishment for the use or concession of use of industrial, commercial or scientific equipment located in the State’s territory or to Swiss companies or permanent establishments of Swiss companies meeting the requirements of Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation of October 26, 2004 (published in G.U.C.E. of December 29, 2004, no. L385/30)
QCommissions paid to a single-mandate agent or commercial representative
RCommissions paid to a multi-mandate agent or commercial representative
SCommissions paid to a commission agent
TCommissions paid to a broker
UCommissions paid to a business finder
VCommissions paid to a home sales agent; commissions paid to an agent for door-to-door and street sales of daily newspapers and periodicals (Law of February 25, 1987, no. 67)
V1Income deriving from non-habitual commercial activities (e.g. commissions paid for occasional services to agents or commercial representatives, brokers, business finders)
V2Income from non-habitual services provided by direct home sales agents
WConsiderations paid in 2021 for services related to subcontracting contracts to which the provisions contained in Article 25-ter of Presidential Decree no. 600 of September 29, 1973, have been applied
XFees paid in 2004 by resident companies or entities or by permanent establishments of foreign companies referred to in Article 26-quater, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of Presidential Decree 600 of September 29, 1973, to companies or permanent establishments of companies located in another EU Member State meeting the requirements of the aforementioned Article 26-quater of Presidential Decree 600 of September 29, 1973, for which a refund of the withholding tax was made in 2006 pursuant to Article 4 of Legislative Decree no. 143 of May 30, 2005
YFees paid from January 1, 2005, to July 26, 2005, by resident companies or entities or by permanent establishments of foreign companies referred to in Article 26-quater, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of Presidential Decree no. 600 of September 29, 1973, to companies or permanent establishments of companies located in another EU Member State meeting the requirements of the aforementioned Article 26-quater of Presidential Decree 600 of September 29, 1973, for which a refund of the withholding tax was made in 2006 pursuant to Article 4 of Legislative Decree no. 143 of May 30, 2005
ZODifferent title from the previous ones

Payment Means

Key: it-sdi-payment-means

MP03Banker’s Draft
MP04Cash at Treasury
MP05Bank Transfer
Mp06Promissory Note
MP07Bank payment slip
MP08Payment card
MP09Direct Debit (RID)
MP10Utilities Direct Debit (RID utenze)
MP11Fast Direct Debit (RID veloce)
MP12Direct Debit (RIBA)
MP13Debit Transfer (MAV)
MP14Tax Receipt
MP15Transfer on special account
MP16Direct Debit
MP17Direct Debit Post Office
MP18Post Office Cheque
MP19SEPA Direct Debit
MP20SEPA Core Direct Debit
MP21SEPA B2B Direct Debit
MP22Deductible Netting