Key: br-nfse-v1


CNAE code

The CNAE (National Classification of Economic Activities) code for a service.

List of codes from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics):

Fiscal Incentive

Indicates whether a party benefits from a fiscal incentive.

List of codes from the national NFSe ABRASF (v2.04) model:

ISS Liability

Indicates the ISS liability status, i.e., whether the ISS tax is due or not and why.

List of codes from the national NFSe ABRASF (v2.04) model:

IGBE Municipality Code

The municipality code as defined by the IGBE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

List of codes from the IGBE:

Service Code

The service code as defined by the municipality. Typically, one of the codes listed in the Lei Complementar 116/2003, but municipalities can make their own changes.

For further details on the list of possible codes, see:

Opting for “Simples Nacional” regime

Indicates whether a party is opting for the “Simples Nacional” (Regime Especial Unificado de Arrecadação de Tributos e Contribuições devidos pelas Microempresas e Empresas de Pequeno Porte) tax regime

List of codes from the national NFSe ABRASF (v2.04) model:

Special Tax Regime

Indicates a special tax regime that a party is subject to.

List of codes from the national NFSe ABRASF (v2.04) model: