FuelAccountLine represents a single fuel purchase made with an e-wallet issued by the invoice’s supplier.
Schema ID$defs/FuelAccountLine
Title | Property | Type | Req. | Description |
Index | i | integer | Index of the line starting from 1 (calculated) | |
E-wallet Identifier | e_wallet_id | cbc.Code | true | Identifier of the e-wallet used to make the purchase (maps to Identificador ). |
Purchase Date and Time | purchase_date_time | cal.DateTime | true | Date and time of the purchase (maps to Fecha ). |
Vendor’s Tax Identity Code | vendor_tax_code | cbc.Code | true | Tax Identity Code of the fuel’s vendor (maps to Rfc ) |
Service Station Code | service_station_code | cbc.Code | true | Code of the service station where the purchase was made (maps to ClaveEstacion ). |
Quantity | quantity | num.Amount | true | Amount of fuel units purchased (maps to Cantidad ) |
Item | item | | true | Details of the fuel purchased. |
Purchase Code | purchase_code | cbc.Code | true | Identifier of the purchase (maps to FolioOperacion ). |
Total | total | num.Amount | Result of quantity multiplied by the unit price (maps to Importe ). | |
Taxes | taxes | array of | true | Map of taxes applied to the purchase (maps to Traslados ). |