
UNTDID 1001 Document Type

UNTDID 1001 code used to describe the type of document. Ths list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.

Other tax regimes and addons may use their own subset of codes.

UNTDID 1153 Reference Code Qualifier

UNTDID 1153 code used to describe the reference code qualifier. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.

UNTDID 4451 Text Subject Qualifier

Code specifying subject of a free text.

UNTDID 4461 Payment Means

UNTDID 4461 code used to describe the means of payment. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.

UNTDID 5189 Allowance

UNTDID 5189 code used to describe the allowance type. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.

UNTDID 3505 Tax Category

UNTDID 5305 code used to describe the applicable duty/tax/fee category. There are multiple versions and subsets of this table so regimes and addons may need to filter options for a specific subset of values.

Data from https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/untdid/d16b/tred/tred5305.htm.

UNTDID 7143 Item Type Identification Code

UNTDID 7161 Charge

UNTDID 7161 code used to describe the charge. List is based on the EN16931 code lists with extensions for taxes and duties.