Use Cases
Tax Regimes
- Overview
- Countries
- Overview
- Definitions
Schemas (Draft 0)
- Introduction
- Envelope
- Bill
- Cal
- Currency
- DSig
- Head
- I18n
- L10n
- Note
- Num
- Org
- Pay
- Addons
- Schema
- Tax
UN/EDIFACT Data Elements
UNTDID 1001 Document Type
UNTDID 1001 code used to describe the type of document. Ths list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.
Other tax regimes and addons may use their own subset of codes.
Code | Name |
71 | Request for payment |
80 | Debit note related to goods or services |
81 | Credit note related to goods or services |
82 | Metered services invoice |
83 | Credit note related to financial adjustments |
84 | Debit note related to financial adjustments |
102 | Tax notification |
130 | Invoicing data sheet |
202 | Direct payment valuation |
203 | Provisional payment valuation |
204 | Payment valuation |
211 | Interim application for payment |
218 | Final payment request based on completion of work |
219 | Payment request for completed units |
261 | Self billed credit note |
262 | Consolidated credit note - goods and services |
295 | Price variation invoice |
296 | Credit note for price variation |
308 | Delcredere credit note |
325 | Proforma invoice |
326 | Partial invoice |
380 | Standard Invoice |
381 | Credit note |
382 | Commission note |
383 | Debit note |
384 | Corrected invoice |
385 | Consolidated invoice |
386 | Prepayment invoice |
387 | Hire invoice |
388 | Tax invoice |
389 | Self-billed invoice |
390 | Delcredere invoice |
393 | Factored invoice |
394 | Lease invoice |
395 | Consignment invoice |
396 | Factored credit note |
420 | Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit note |
456 | Debit advice |
457 | Reversal of debit |
458 | Reversal of credit |
527 | Self billed debit note |
532 | Forwarder’s credit note |
553 | Forwarder’s invoice discrepancy report |
575 | Insurer’s invoice |
623 | Forwarder’s invoice |
633 | Port charges documents |
751 | Invoice information for accounting purposes |
780 | Freight invoice |
817 | Claim notification |
870 | Consular invoice |
875 | Partial construction invoice |
876 | Partial final construction invoice |
877 | Final construction invoice |
935 | Customs invoice |
UNTDID 1153 Reference Code Qualifier
UNTDID 1153 code used to describe the reference code qualifier. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.
Code | Name |
AAA | Order acknowledgement document identifier |
AAB | Proforma invoice document identifier |
AAC | Documentary credit identifier |
AAD | Contract document addendum identifier |
AAE | Goods declaration number |
AAF | Debit card number |
AAG | Offer number |
AAH | Bank’s batch interbank transaction reference number |
AAI | Bank’s individual interbank transaction reference number |
AAJ | Delivery order number |
AAK | Despatch advice number |
AAL | Drawing number |
AAM | Waybill number |
AAN | Delivery schedule number |
AAO | Consignment identifier, consignee assigned |
AAP | Partial shipment identifier |
AAQ | Transport equipment identifier |
AAR | Municipality assigned business registry number |
AAS | Transport contract document identifier |
AAT | Master label number |
AAU | Despatch note document identifier |
AAV | Enquiry number |
AAW | Docket number |
AAX | Civil action number |
AAY | Carrier’s agent reference number |
AAZ | Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) number |
ABA | Customs valuation decision number |
ABB | End use authorization number |
ABC | Anti-dumping case number |
ABD | Customs tariff number |
ABE | Declarant’s reference number |
ABF | Repair estimate number |
ABG | Customs decision request number |
ABH | Sub-house bill of lading number |
ABI | Tax payment identifier |
ABJ | Quota number |
ABK | Transit (onward carriage) guarantee (bond) number |
ABL | Customs guarantee number |
ABM | Replacing part number |
ABN | Seller’s catalogue number |
ABO | Originator’s reference |
ABP | Declarant’s Customs identity number |
ABQ | Importer reference number |
ABR | Export clearance instruction reference number |
ABS | Import clearance instruction reference number |
ABT | Goods declaration document identifier, Customs |
ABU | Article number |
ABV | Intra-plant routing |
ABW | Stock keeping unit number |
ABX | Text Element Identifier deletion reference |
ABY | Allotment identification (Air) |
ABZ | Vehicle licence number |
AC | Air cargo transfer manifest |
ACA | Cargo acceptance order reference number |
ACB | US government agency number |
ACC | Shipping unit identification |
ACD | Additional reference number |
ACE | Related document number |
ACF | Addressee reference |
ACG | ATA carnet number |
ACH | Packaging unit identification |
ACI | Outerpackaging unit identification |
ACJ | Customer material specification number |
ACK | Bank reference |
ACL | Principal reference number |
ACN | Collection advice document identifier |
ACO | Iron charge number |
ACP | Hot roll number |
ACQ | Cold roll number |
ACR | Railway wagon number |
ACT | Unique claims reference number of the sender |
ACU | Loss/event number |
ACV | Estimate order reference number |
ACW | Reference number to previous message |
ACX | Banker’s acceptance |
ACY | Duty memo number |
ACZ | Equipment transport charge number |
ADA | Buyer’s item number |
ADB | Matured certificate of deposit |
ADC | Loan |
ADD | Analysis number/test number |
ADE | Account number |
ADF | Treaty number |
ADG | Catastrophe number |
ADI | Bureau signing (statement reference) |
ADJ | Company / syndicate reference 1 |
ADK | Company / syndicate reference 2 |
ADL | Ordering customer consignment reference number |
ADM | Shipowner’s authorization number |
ADN | Inland transport order number |
ADO | Container work order reference number |
ADP | Statement number |
ADQ | Unique market reference |
ADT | Group accounting |
ADU | Broker reference 1 |
ADV | Broker reference 2 |
ADW | Lloyd’s claims office reference |
ADX | Secure delivery terms and conditions agreement reference |
ADY | Report number |
ADZ | Trader account number |
AE | Authorization for expense (AFE) number |
AEA | Government agency reference number |
AEB | Assembly number |
AEC | Symbol number |
AED | Commodity number |
AEE | Eur 1 certificate number |
AEF | Customer process specification number |
AEG | Customer specification number |
AEH | Applicable instructions or standards |
AEI | Registration number of previous Customs declaration |
AEJ | Post-entry reference |
AEK | Payment order number |
AEL | Delivery number (transport) |
AEM | Transport route |
AEN | Customer’s unit inventory number |
AEO | Product reservation number |
AEP | Project number |
AEQ | Drawing list number |
AER | Project specification number |
AES | Primary reference |
AET | Request for cancellation number |
AEU | Supplier’s control number |
AEV | Shipping note number |
AEW | Empty container bill number |
AEX | Non-negotiable maritime transport document number |
AEY | Substitute air waybill number |
AEZ | Despatch note (post parcels) number |
AF | Airlines flight identification number |
AFA | Through bill of lading number |
AFB | Cargo manifest number |
AFC | Bordereau number |
AFD | Customs item number |
AFE | Export Control Commodity number (ECCN) |
AFF | Marking/label reference |
AFG | Tariff number |
AFH | Replenishment purchase order number |
AFI | Immediate transportation no. for in bond movement |
AFJ | Transportation exportation no. for in bond movement |
AFK | Immediate exportation no. for in bond movement |
AFL | Associated invoices |
AFM | Secondary Customs reference |
AFN | Account party’s reference |
AFO | Beneficiary’s reference |
AFP | Second beneficiary’s reference |
AFQ | Applicant’s bank reference |
AFR | Issuing bank’s reference |
AFS | Beneficiary’s bank reference |
AFT | Direct payment valuation number |
AFU | Direct payment valuation request number |
AFV | Quantity valuation number |
AFW | Quantity valuation request number |
AFX | Bill of quantities number |
AFY | Payment valuation number |
AFZ | Situation number |
AGA | Agreement to pay number |
AGB | Contract party reference number |
AGC | Account party’s bank reference |
AGD | Agent’s bank reference |
AGE | Agent’s reference |
AGF | Applicant’s reference |
AGG | Dispute number |
AGH | Credit rating agency’s reference number |
AGI | Request number |
AGJ | Single transaction sequence number |
AGK | Application reference number |
AGL | Delivery verification certificate |
AGM | Number of temporary importation document |
AGN | Reference number quoted on statement |
AGO | Sender’s reference to the original message |
AGP | Company issued equipment ID |
AGQ | Domestic flight number |
AGR | International flight number |
AGS | Employer identification number of service bureau |
AGT | Service group identification number |
AGU | Member number |
AGV | Previous member number |
AGW | Scheme/plan number |
AGX | Previous scheme/plan number |
AGY | Receiving party’s member identification |
AGZ | Payroll number |
AHA | Packaging specification number |
AHB | Authority issued equipment identification |
AHC | Training flight number |
AHD | Fund code number |
AHE | Signal code number |
AHF | Major force program number |
AHG | Nomination number |
AHH | Laboratory registration number |
AHI | Transport contract reference number |
AHJ | Payee’s reference number |
AHK | Payer’s reference number |
AHL | Creditor’s reference number |
AHM | Debtor’s reference number |
AHN | Joint venture reference number |
AHO | Chamber of Commerce registration number |
AHP | Tax registration number |
AHQ | Wool identification number |
AHR | Wool tax reference number |
AHS | Meat processing establishment registration number |
AHT | Quarantine/treatment status reference number |
AHU | Request for quote number |
AHV | Manual processing authority number |
AHX | Rate note number |
AHY | Freight Forwarder number |
AHZ | Customs release code |
AIA | Compliance code number |
AIB | Department of transportation bond number |
AIC | Export establishment number |
AID | Certificate of conformity |
AIE | Ministerial certificate of homologation |
AIF | Previous delivery instruction number |
AIG | Passport number |
AIH | Common transaction reference number |
AII | Bank’s common transaction reference number |
AIJ | Customer’s individual transaction reference number |
AIK | Bank’s individual transaction reference number |
AIL | Customer’s common transaction reference number |
AIM | Individual transaction reference number |
AIN | Product sourcing agreement number |
AIO | Customs transhipment number |
AIP | Customs preference inquiry number |
AIQ | Packing plant number |
AIR | Original certificate number |
AIS | Processing plant number |
AIT | Slaughter plant number |
AIU | Charge card account number |
AIV | Event reference number |
AIW | Transport section reference number |
AIX | Referred product for mechanical analysis |
AIY | Referred product for chemical analysis |
AIZ | Consolidated invoice number |
AJA | Part reference indicator in a drawing |
AJB | U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) |
AJC | Purchasing activity clause number |
AJD | U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement |
AJE | Agency clause number |
AJF | Circular publication number |
AJG | U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation |
AJH | U.S. General Services Administration Regulation |
AJI | U.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation |
AJJ | Paragraph |
AJK | Special instructions number |
AJL | Site specific procedures, terms, and conditions number |
AJM | Master solicitation procedures, terms, and conditions |
AJN | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation |
AJO | Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) number |
AJP | Foreign military sales number |
AJQ | Defense priorities allocation system priority rating |
AJR | Wage determination number |
AJS | Agreement number |
AJT | Standard Industry Classification (SIC) number |
AJU | End item number |
AJV | Federal supply schedule item number |
AJW | Technical document number |
AJX | Technical order number |
AJY | Suffix |
AJZ | Transportation account number |
AKA | Container disposition order reference number |
AKB | Container prefix |
AKC | Transport equipment return reference |
AKD | Transport equipment survey reference |
AKE | Transport equipment survey report number |
AKF | Transport equipment stuffing order |
AKG | Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) |
AKH | Government bill of lading |
AKI | Ordering customer’s second reference number |
AKJ | Direct debit reference |
AKK | Meter reading at the beginning of the delivery |
AKL | Meter reading at the end of delivery |
AKM | Replenishment purchase order range start number |
AKN | Third bank’s reference |
AKO | Action authorization number |
AKP | Appropriation number |
AKQ | Product change authority number |
AKR | General cargo consignment reference number |
AKS | Catalogue sequence number |
AKT | Forwarding order number |
AKU | Transport equipment survey reference number |
AKV | Lease contract reference |
AKW | Transport costs reference number |
AKX | Transport equipment stripping order |
AKY | Prior policy number |
AKZ | Policy number |
ALA | Procurement budget number |
ALB | Domestic inventory management code |
ALC | Customer reference number assigned to previous balance of |
ALD | Previous credit advice reference number |
ALE | Reporting form number |
ALF | Authorization number for exception to dangerous goods |
ALG | Dangerous goods security number |
ALH | Dangerous goods transport licence number |
ALI | Previous rental agreement number |
ALJ | Next rental agreement reason number |
ALK | Consignee’s invoice number |
ALL | Message batch number |
ALM | Previous delivery schedule number |
ALN | Physical inventory recount reference number |
ALO | Receiving advice number |
ALP | Returnable container reference number |
ALQ | Returns notice number |
ALR | Sales forecast number |
ALS | Sales report number |
ALT | Previous tax control number |
ALU | AGERD (Aerospace Ground Equipment Requirement Data) number |
ALV | Registered capital reference |
ALW | Standard number of inspection document |
ALX | Model |
ALY | Financial management reference |
ALZ | NOTIfication for COLlection number (NOTICOL) |
AMA | Previous request for metered reading reference number |
AMB | Next rental agreement number |
AMC | Reference number of a request for metered reading |
AMD | Hastening number |
AME | Repair data request number |
AMF | Consumption data request number |
AMG | Profile number |
AMH | Case number |
AMI | Government quality assurance and control level Number |
AMJ | Payment plan reference |
AMK | Replaced meter unit number |
AML | Replenishment purchase order range end number |
AMM | Insurer assigned reference number |
AMN | Canadian excise entry number |
AMO | Premium rate table |
AMP | Advise through bank’s reference |
AMQ | US, Department of Transportation bond surety code |
AMR | US, Food and Drug Administration establishment indicator |
AMS | US, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import |
AMT | Goods and Services Tax identification number |
AMU | Integrated logistic support cross reference number |
AMV | Department number |
AMW | Buyer’s catalogue number |
AMX | Financial settlement party’s reference number |
AMY | Standard’s version number |
AMZ | Pipeline number |
ANA | Account servicing bank’s reference number |
ANB | Completed units payment request reference |
ANC | Payment in advance request reference |
AND | Parent file |
ANE | Sub file |
ANF | CAD file layer convention |
ANG | Technical regulation |
ANH | Plot file |
ANI | File conversion journal |
ANJ | Authorization number |
ANK | Reference number assigned by third party |
ANL | Deposit reference number |
ANM | Named bank’s reference |
ANN | Drawee’s reference |
ANO | Case of need party’s reference |
ANP | Collecting bank’s reference |
ANQ | Remitting bank’s reference |
ANR | Principal’s bank reference |
ANS | Presenting bank’s reference |
ANT | Consignee’s reference |
ANU | Financial transaction reference number |
ANV | Credit reference number |
ANW | Receiving bank’s authorization number |
ANX | Clearing reference |
ANY | Sending bank’s reference number |
AOA | Documentary payment reference |
AOD | Accounting file reference |
AOE | Sender’s file reference number |
AOF | Receiver’s file reference number |
AOG | Source document internal reference |
AOH | Principal’s reference |
AOI | Debit reference number |
AOJ | Calendar |
AOK | Work shift |
AOL | Work breakdown structure |
AOM | Organisation breakdown structure |
AON | Work task charge number |
AOO | Functional work group |
AOP | Work team |
AOQ | Department |
AOR | Statement of work |
AOS | Work package |
AOT | Planning package |
AOU | Cost account |
AOV | Work order |
AOW | Transportation Control Number (TCN) |
AOX | Constraint notation |
AOY | ETERMS reference |
AOZ | Implementation version number |
AP | Accounts receivable number |
APA | Incorporated legal reference |
APB | Payment instalment reference number |
APC | Equipment owner reference number |
APD | Cedent’s claim number |
APE | Reinsurer’s claim number |
APF | Price/sales catalogue response reference number |
APG | General purpose message reference number |
APH | Invoicing data sheet reference number |
API | Inventory report reference number |
APJ | Ceiling formula reference number |
APK | Price variation formula reference number |
APL | Reference to account servicing bank’s message |
APM | Party sequence number |
APN | Purchaser’s request reference |
APO | Contractor request reference |
APP | Accident reference number |
APQ | Commercial account summary reference number |
APR | Contract breakdown reference |
APS | Contractor registration number |
APT | Applicable coefficient identification number |
APU | Special budget account number |
APV | Authorisation for repair reference |
APW | Manufacturer defined repair rates reference |
APX | Original submitter log number |
APY | Original submitter, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR) |
APZ | Original submitter, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR) |
AQA | Entry point assessment log number |
AQB | Entry point assessment log number, parent DMR |
AQC | Entry point assessment log number, child DMR |
AQD | Data structure tag |
AQE | Central secretariat log number |
AQF | Central secretariat log number, parent Data Maintenance |
AQG | Central secretariat log number, child Data Maintenance |
AQH | International assessment log number |
AQI | International assessment log number, parent Data |
AQJ | International assessment log number, child Data Maintenance |
AQK | Status report number |
AQL | Message design group number |
AQM | US Customs Service (USCS) entry code |
AQN | Beginning job sequence number |
AQO | Sender’s clause number |
AQP | Dun and Bradstreet Canada’s 8 digit Standard Industrial |
AQQ | Activite Principale Exercee (APE) identifier |
AQR | Dun and Bradstreet US 8 digit Standard Industrial |
AQS | Nomenclature Activity Classification Economy (NACE) |
AQT | Norme Activite Francaise (NAF) identifier |
AQU | Registered contractor activity type |
AQV | Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) identifier |
AQW | State or province assigned entity identification |
AQX | Institute of Security and Future Market Development (ISFMD) |
AQY | File identification number |
AQZ | Bankruptcy procedure number |
ARA | National government business identification number |
ARB | Prior Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number |
ARC | Companies Registry Office (CRO) number |
ARD | Costa Rican judicial number |
ARE | Numero de Identificacion Tributaria (NIT) |
ARF | Patron number |
ARG | Registro Informacion Fiscal (RIF) number |
ARH | Registro Unico de Contribuyente (RUC) number |
ARI | Tokyo SHOKO Research (TSR) business identifier |
ARJ | Personal identity card number |
ARK | Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ENtreprises |
ARL | Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ETablissements |
ARM | Publication issue number |
ARN | Original filing number |
ARO | Document page identifier |
ARP | Public filing registration number |
ARQ | Regiristo Federal de Contribuyentes |
ARR | Social security number |
ARS | Document volume number |
ART | Book number |
ARU | Stock exchange company identifier |
ARV | Imputation account |
ARW | Financial phase reference |
ARX | Technical phase reference |
ARY | Prior contractor registration number |
ARZ | Stock adjustment number |
ASA | Dispensation reference |
ASB | Investment reference number |
ASC | Assuming company |
ASD | Budget chapter |
ASE | Duty free products security number |
ASF | Duty free products receipt authorisation number |
ASG | Party information message reference |
ASH | Formal statement reference |
ASI | Proof of delivery reference number |
ASJ | Supplier’s credit claim reference number |
ASK | Picture of actual product |
ASL | Picture of a generic product |
ASM | Trading partner identification number |
ASN | Prior trading partner identification number |
ASO | Password |
ASP | Formal report number |
ASQ | Fund account number |
ASR | Safe custody number |
ASS | Master account number |
AST | Group reference number |
ASU | Accounting transmission number |
ASV | Product data file number |
ASW | Cadastro Geral do Contribuinte (CGC) |
ASX | Foreign resident identification number |
ASZ | Physical medium |
ATA | Financial cancellation reference number |
ATB | Purchase for export Customs agreement number |
ATC | Judgment number |
ATD | Secretariat number |
ATE | Previous banking status message reference |
ATF | Last received banking status message reference |
ATG | Bank’s documentary procedure reference |
ATH | Customer’s documentary procedure reference |
ATI | Safe deposit box number |
ATJ | Receiving Bankgiro number |
ATK | Sending Bankgiro number |
ATL | Bankgiro reference |
ATM | Guarantee number |
ATN | Collection instrument number |
ATO | Converted Postgiro number |
ATP | Cost centre alignment number |
ATQ | Kamer Van Koophandel (KVK) number |
ATR | Institut Belgo-Luxembourgeois de Codification (IBLC) number |
ATS | External object reference |
ATT | Exceptional transport authorisation number |
ATU | Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria (CUIT) |
ATV | Registro Unico Tributario (RUT) |
ATW | Flat rack container bundle identification number |
ATX | Transport equipment acceptance order reference |
ATY | Transport equipment release order reference |
ATZ | Ship’s stay reference number |
AU | Authorization to meet competition number |
AUA | Place of positioning reference |
AUB | Party reference |
AUC | Issued prescription identification |
AUD | Collection reference |
AUE | Travel service |
AUF | Consignment stock contract |
AUG | Importer’s letter of credit reference |
AUH | Performed prescription identification |
AUI | Image reference |
AUJ | Proposed purchase order reference number |
AUK | Application for financial support reference number |
AUL | Manufacturing quality agreement number |
AUM | Software editor reference |
AUN | Software reference |
AUO | Software quality reference |
AUP | Consolidated orders’ reference |
AUQ | Customs binding ruling number |
AUR | Customs non-binding ruling number |
AUS | Delivery route reference |
AUT | Net area supplier reference |
AUU | Time series reference |
AUV | Connecting point to central grid |
AUW | Marketing plan identification number (MPIN) |
AUX | Entity reference number, previous |
AUY | International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) |
AUZ | Customs pre-approval ruling number |
AV | Account payable number |
AVA | First financial institution’s transaction reference |
AVB | Product characteristics directory |
AVC | Supplier’s customer reference number |
AVD | Inventory report request number |
AVE | Metering point |
AVF | Passenger reservation number |
AVG | Slaughterhouse approval number |
AVH | Meat cutting plant approval number |
AVI | Customer travel service identifier |
AVJ | Export control classification number |
AVK | Broker reference 3 |
AVL | Consignment information |
AVM | Goods item information |
AVN | Dangerous Goods information |
AVO | Pilotage services exemption number |
AVP | Person registration number |
AVQ | Place of packing approval number |
AVR | Original Mandate Reference |
AVS | Mandate Reference |
AVT | Reservation station indentifier |
AVU | Unique goods shipment identifier |
AVV | Framework Agreement Number |
AVW | Hash value |
AVX | Movement reference number |
AVY | Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number |
AVZ | Local Reference Number |
AWA | Rate code number |
AWB | Air waybill number |
AWC | Documentary credit amendment number |
AWD | Advising bank’s reference |
AWE | Cost centre |
AWF | Work item quantity determination |
AWG | Internal data process number |
AWH | Category of work reference |
AWI | Policy form number |
AWJ | Net area |
AWK | Service provider |
AWL | Error position |
AWM | Service category reference |
AWN | Connected location |
AWO | Related party |
AWP | Latest accounting entry record reference |
AWQ | Accounting entry |
AWR | Document reference, original |
AWS | Hygienic Certificate number, national |
AWT | Administrative Reference Code |
AWU | Pick-up sheet number |
AWV | Phone number |
AWW | Buyer’s fund number |
AWX | Company trading account number |
AWY | Reserved goods identifier |
AWZ | Handling and movement reference number |
AXA | Instruction to despatch reference number |
AXB | Instruction for returns number |
AXC | Metered services consumption report number |
AXD | Order status enquiry number |
AXE | Firm booking reference number |
AXF | Product inquiry number |
AXG | Split delivery number |
AXH | Service relation number |
AXI | Serial shipping container code |
AXJ | Test specification number |
AXK | Transport status report number |
AXL | Tooling contract number |
AXM | Formula reference number |
AXN | Pre-agreement number |
AXO | Product certification number |
AXP | Consignment contract number |
AXQ | Product specification reference number |
AXR | Payroll deduction advice reference |
AXS | TRACES party identification |
BA | Beginning meter reading actual |
BC | Buyer’s contract number |
BD | Bid number |
BE | Beginning meter reading estimated |
BH | House bill of lading number |
BM | Bill of lading number |
BN | Consignment identifier, carrier assigned |
BO | Blanket order number |
BR | Broker or sales office number |
BT | Batch number/lot number |
BTP | Battery and accumulator producer registration number |
BW | Blended with number |
CAS | IATA Cargo Agent CASS Address number |
CAT | Matching of entries, balanced |
CAU | Entry flagging |
CAV | Matching of entries, unbalanced |
CAW | Document reference, internal |
CAX | European Value Added Tax identification |
CAY | Cost accounting document |
CAZ | Grid operator’s customer reference number |
CBA | Ticket control number |
CBB | Order shipment grouping reference |
CD | Credit note number |
CEC | Ceding company |
CED | Debit letter number |
CFE | Consignee’s further order |
CFF | Animal farm licence number |
CFO | Consignor’s further order |
CG | Consignee’s order number |
CH | Customer catalogue number |
CK | Cheque number |
CKN | Checking number |
CM | Credit memo number |
CMR | Road consignment note number |
CN | Carrier’s reference number |
CNO | Charges note document attachment indicator |
COF | Call off order number |
CP | Condition of purchase document number |
CR | Customer reference number |
CRN | Transport means journey identifier |
CS | Condition of sale document number |
CST | Team assignment number |
CT | Contract number |
CU | Consignment identifier, consignor assigned |
CV | Container operators reference number |
CW | Package number |
CZ | Cooperation contract number |
DA | Deferment approval number |
DAN | Debit account number |
DB | Buyer’s debtor number |
DI | Distributor invoice number |
DL | Debit note number |
DM | Document identifier |
DQ | Delivery note number |
DR | Dock receipt number |
EA | Ending meter reading actual |
EB | Embargo permit number |
ED | Export declaration |
EE | Ending meter reading estimated |
EEP | Electrical and electronic equipment producer registration |
EI | Employer’s identification number |
EN | Embargo number |
EQ | Equipment number |
ER | Container/equipment receipt number |
ERN | Exporter’s reference number |
ET | Excess transportation number |
EX | Export permit identifier |
FC | Fiscal number |
FF | Consignment identifier, freight forwarder assigned |
FI | File line identifier |
FLW | Flow reference number |
FN | Freight bill number |
FO | Foreign exchange |
FS | Final sequence number |
FT | Free zone identifier |
FV | File version number |
FX | Foreign exchange contract number |
GA | Standard’s number |
GC | Government contract number |
GD | Standard’s code number |
GDN | General declaration number |
GN | Government reference number |
HS | Harmonised system number |
HWB | House waybill number |
IA | Internal vendor number |
IB | In bond number |
ICA | IATA cargo agent code number |
ICE | Insurance certificate reference number |
ICO | Insurance contract reference number |
II | Initial sample inspection report number |
IL | Internal order number |
INB | Intermediary broker |
INN | Interchange number new |
INO | Interchange number old |
IP | Import permit identifier |
IS | Invoice number suffix |
IT | Internal customer number |
IV | Invoice document identifier |
JB | Job number |
JE | Ending job sequence number |
LA | Shipping label serial number |
LAN | Loading authorisation identifier |
LAR | Lower number in range |
LB | Lockbox |
LC | Letter of credit number |
LI | Document line identifier |
LO | Load planning number |
LRC | Reservation office identifier |
LS | Bar coded label serial number |
MA | Ship notice/manifest number |
MB | Master bill of lading number |
MF | Manufacturer’s part number |
MG | Meter unit number |
MH | Manufacturing order number |
MR | Message recipient |
MRN | Mailing reference number |
MS | Message sender |
MSS | Manufacturer’s material safety data sheet number |
MWB | Master air waybill number |
NA | North American hazardous goods classification number |
NF | Nota Fiscal |
OH | Current invoice number |
OI | Previous invoice number |
ON | Order document identifier, buyer assigned |
OP | Original purchase order |
OR | General order number |
PB | Payer’s financial institution account number |
PC | Production code |
PD | Promotion deal number |
PE | Plant number |
PF | Prime contractor contract number |
PI | Price list version number |
PK | Packing list number |
PL | Price list number |
POR | Purchase order response number |
PP | Purchase order change number |
PQ | Payment reference |
PR | Price quote number |
PS | Purchase order number suffix |
PW | Prior purchase order number |
PY | Payee’s financial institution account number |
RA | Remittance advice number |
RC | Rail/road routing code |
RCN | Railway consignment note number |
RE | Release number |
REN | Consignment receipt identifier |
RF | Export reference number |
RR | Payer’s financial institution transit routing No.(ACH |
RT | Payee’s financial institution transit routing No. |
SA | Sales person number |
SB | Sales region number |
SD | Sales department number |
SE | Serial number |
SEA | Allocated seat |
SF | Ship from |
SH | Previous highest schedule number |
SI | SID (Shipper’s identifying number for shipment) |
SM | Sales office number |
SN | Transport equipment seal identifier |
SP | Scan line |
SQ | Equipment sequence number |
SRN | Shipment reference number |
SS | Sellers reference number |
STA | Station reference number |
SW | Swap order number |
SZ | Specification number |
TB | Trucker’s bill of lading |
TCR | Terminal operator’s consignment reference |
TE | Telex message number |
TF | Transfer number |
TI | TIR carnet number |
TIN | Transport instruction number |
TL | Tax exemption licence number |
TN | Transaction reference number |
TP | Test report number |
UAR | Upper number of range |
UC | Ultimate customer’s reference number |
UCN | Unique consignment reference number |
UN | United Nations Dangerous Goods identifier |
UO | Ultimate customer’s order number |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
VA | VAT registration number |
VC | Vendor contract number |
VGR | Transport equipment gross mass verification reference |
VM | Vessel identifier |
VN | Order number (vendor) |
VON | Voyage number |
VOR | Transport equipment gross mass verification order reference |
VP | Vendor product number |
VR | Vendor ID number |
VS | Vendor order number suffix |
VT | Motor vehicle identification number |
VV | Voucher number |
WE | Warehouse entry number |
WM | Weight agreement number |
WN | Well number |
WR | Warehouse receipt number |
WS | Warehouse storage location number |
WY | Rail waybill number |
XA | Company/place registration number |
XC | Cargo control number |
XP | Previous cargo control number |
ZZZ | Mutually defined reference number |
UNTDID 4451 Text Subject Qualifier
Code specifying subject of a free text.
Code | Name |
AAA | Goods item description |
AAB | Payment term |
AAC | Dangerous goods additional information |
AAD | Dangerous goods technical name |
AAE | Acknowledgement description |
AAF | Rate additional information |
AAG | Party instructions |
AAI | General information |
AAJ | Additional conditions of sale/purchase |
AAK | Price conditions |
AAL | Goods dimensions in characters |
AAM | Equipment re-usage restrictions |
AAN | Handling restriction |
AAO | Error description (free text) |
AAP | Response (free text) |
AAQ | Package content’s description |
AAR | Terms of delivery |
AAS | Bill of lading remarks |
AAT | Mode of settlement information |
AAU | Consignment invoice information |
AAV | Clearance invoice information |
AAW | Letter of credit information |
AAX | License information |
AAY | Certification statements |
AAZ | Additional export information |
ABA | Tariff statements |
ABB | Medical history |
ABC | Conditions of sale or purchase |
ABD | Contract document type |
ABE | Additional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit) |
ABF | Instructions or information about standby documentary |
ABG | Instructions or information about partial shipment(s) |
ABH | Instructions or information about transhipment(s) |
ABI | Additional handling instructions documentary credit |
ABJ | Domestic routing information |
ABK | Chargeable category of equipment |
ABL | Government information |
ABM | Onward routing information |
ABN | Accounting information |
ABO | Discrepancy information |
ABP | Confirmation instructions |
ABQ | Method of issuance |
ABR | Documents delivery instructions |
ABS | Additional conditions |
ABT | Information/instructions about additional amounts covered |
ABU | Deferred payment termed additional |
ABV | Acceptance terms additional |
ABW | Negotiation terms additional |
ABX | Document name and documentary requirements |
ABZ | Instructions/information about revolving documentary credit |
ACA | Documentary requirements |
ACB | Additional information |
ACC | Factor assignment clause |
ACD | Reason |
ACE | Dispute |
ACF | Additional attribute information |
ACG | Absence declaration |
ACH | Aggregation statement |
ACI | Compilation statement |
ACJ | Definitional exception |
ACK | Privacy statement |
ACL | Quality statement |
ACM | Statistical description |
ACN | Statistical definition |
ACO | Statistical name |
ACP | Statistical title |
ACQ | Off-dimension information |
ACR | Unexpected stops information |
ACS | Principles |
ACT | Terms and definition |
ACU | Segment name |
ACV | Simple data element name |
ACW | Scope |
ACX | Message type name |
ACY | Introduction |
ACZ | Glossary |
ADA | Functional definition |
ADB | Examples |
ADC | Cover page |
ADD | Dependency (syntax) notes |
ADE | Code value name |
ADF | Code list name |
ADG | Clarification of usage |
ADH | Composite data element name |
ADI | Field of application |
ADJ | Type of assets and liabilities |
ADK | Promotion information |
ADL | Meter condition |
ADM | Meter reading information |
ADN | Type of transaction reason |
ADO | Type of survey question |
ADP | Carrier’s agent counter information |
ADQ | Description of work item on equipment |
ADR | Message definition |
ADS | Booked item information |
ADT | Source of document |
ADU | Note |
ADV | Fixed part of segment clarification text |
ADW | Characteristics of goods |
ADX | Additional discharge instructions |
ADY | Container stripping instructions |
ADZ | CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information |
AEA | Cargo remarks |
AEB | Temperature control instructions |
AEC | Text refers to expected data |
AED | Text refers to received data |
AEE | Section clarification text |
AEF | Information to the beneficiary |
AEG | Information to the applicant |
AEH | Instructions to the beneficiary |
AEI | Instructions to the applicant |
AEJ | Controlled atmosphere |
AEK | Take off annotation |
AEL | Price variation narrative |
AEM | Documentary credit amendment instructions |
AEN | Standard method narrative |
AEO | Project narrative |
AEP | Radioactive goods, additional information |
AEQ | Bank-to-bank information |
AER | Reimbursement instructions |
AES | Reason for amending a message |
AET | Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or |
AEU | Interest instructions |
AEV | Agent commission |
AEW | Remitting bank instructions |
AEX | Instructions to the collecting bank |
AEY | Collection amount instructions |
AEZ | Internal auditing information |
AFA | Constraint |
AFB | Comment |
AFC | Semantic note |
AFD | Help text |
AFE | Legend |
AFF | Batch code structure |
AFG | Product application |
AFH | Customer complaint |
AFI | Probable cause of fault |
AFJ | Defect description |
AFK | Repair description |
AFL | Review comments |
AFM | Title |
AFN | Description of amount |
AFO | Responsibilities |
AFP | Supplier |
AFQ | Purchase region |
AFR | Affiliation |
AFS | Borrower |
AFT | Line of business |
AFU | Financial institution |
AFV | Business founder |
AFW | Business history |
AFX | Banking arrangements |
AFY | Business origin |
AFZ | Brand names’ description |
AGA | Business financing details |
AGB | Competition |
AGC | Construction process details |
AGD | Construction specialty |
AGE | Contract information |
AGF | Corporate filing |
AGG | Customer information |
AGH | Copyright notice |
AGI | Contingent debt |
AGJ | Conviction details |
AGK | Equipment |
AGL | Workforce description |
AGM | Exemption |
AGN | Future plans |
AGO | Interviewee conversation information |
AGP | Intangible asset |
AGQ | Inventory |
AGR | Investment |
AGS | Intercompany relations information |
AGT | Joint venture |
AGU | Loan |
AGV | Long term debt |
AGW | Location |
AGX | Current legal structure |
AGY | Marital contract |
AGZ | Marketing activities |
AHA | Merger |
AHB | Marketable securities |
AHC | Business debt |
AHD | Original legal structure |
AHE | Employee sharing arrangements |
AHF | Organization details |
AHG | Public record details |
AHH | Price range |
AHI | Qualifications |
AHJ | Registered activity |
AHK | Criminal sentence |
AHL | Sales method |
AHM | Educational institution information |
AHN | Status details |
AHO | Sales |
AHP | Spouse information |
AHQ | Educational degree information |
AHR | Shareholding information |
AHS | Sales territory |
AHT | Accountant’s comments |
AHU | Exemption law location |
AHV | Share classifications |
AHW | Forecast |
AHX | Event location |
AHY | Facility occupancy |
AHZ | Import and export details |
AIA | Additional facility information |
AIB | Inventory value |
AIC | Education |
AID | Event |
AIE | Agent |
AIF | Domestically agreed financial statement details |
AIG | Other current asset description |
AIH | Other current liability description |
AII | Former business activity |
AIJ | Trade name use |
AIK | Signing authority |
AIL | Guarantee |
AIM | Holding company operation |
AIN | Consignment routing |
AIO | Letter of protest |
AIP | Question |
AIQ | Party information |
AIR | Area boundaries description |
AIS | Advertisement information |
AIT | Financial statement details |
AIU | Access instructions |
AIV | Liquidity |
AIW | Credit line |
AIX | Warranty terms |
AIY | Division description |
AIZ | Reporting instruction |
AJA | Examination result |
AJB | Laboratory result |
ALC | Allowance/charge information |
ALD | X-ray result |
ALE | Pathology result |
ALF | Intervention description |
ALG | Summary of admittance |
ALH | Medical treatment course detail |
ALI | Prognosis |
ALJ | Instruction to patient |
ALK | Instruction to physician |
ALL | All documents |
ALM | Medicine treatment |
ALN | Medicine dosage and administration |
ALO | Availability of patient |
ALP | Reason for service request |
ALQ | Purpose of service |
ARR | Arrival conditions |
ARS | Service requester’s comment |
AUT | Authentication |
AUU | Requested location description |
AUV | Medicine administration condition |
AUW | Patient information |
AUX | Precautionary measure |
AUY | Service characteristic |
AUZ | Planned event comment |
AVA | Expected delay comment |
AVB | Transport requirements comment |
AVC | Temporary approval condition |
AVD | Customs Valuation Information |
AVE | Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme |
AVF | Maritime Declaration of Health |
BAG | Passenger baggage information |
BAH | Maritime Declaration of Health |
BAI | Additional product information address |
BAJ | Information to be printed on despatch advice |
BAK | Missing goods remarks |
BAL | Non-acceptance information |
BAM | Returns information |
BAN | Sub-line item information |
BAO | Test information |
BAP | External link |
BAQ | VAT exemption reason |
BAR | Processing Instructions |
BAS | Relay Instructions |
BAT | SIMA applicable |
BAU | Appeals program code |
BAV | SIMA subject |
BAW | Surtax applicable |
BAX | SIMA security bond |
BAY | Surtax subject |
BAZ | Safeguard applicable |
BBA | Safeguard applicable |
BBB | Safeguard subject |
BLC | Transport contract document clause |
BLD | Instruction to prepare the patient |
BLE | Medicine treatment comment |
BLF | Examination result comment |
BLG | Service request comment |
BLH | Prescription reason |
BLI | Prescription comment |
BLJ | Clinical investigation comment |
BLK | Medicinal specification comment |
BLL | Economic contribution comment |
BLM | Status of a plan |
BLN | Random sample test information |
BLO | Period of time |
BLP | Legislation |
BLQ | Security measures requested |
BLR | Transport contract document remark |
BLS | Previous port of call security information |
BLT | Security information |
BLU | Waste information |
BLV | B2C marketing information, short description |
BLW | B2B marketing information, long description |
BLX | B2C marketing information, long description |
BLY | Product ingredients |
BLZ | Location short name |
BMA | Packaging material information |
BMB | Filler material information |
BMC | Ship-to-ship activity information |
BMD | Package material description |
BME | Consumer level package marking |
BMF | SIMA measure in force |
BMG | Pre-CARM |
BMH | SIMA measure type |
CCI | Customs clearance instructions |
CCJ | Sub Type Code |
CCK | SIMA information |
CCL | Time limit end |
CCM | Time limit start |
CCN | Warehouse time limit |
CCO | Value for duty information |
CEX | Customs clearance instructions export |
CHG | Change information |
CIP | Customs clearance instruction import |
CLP | Clearance place requested |
CLR | Loading remarks |
COI | Order information |
CUR | Customer remarks |
CUS | Customs declaration information |
DAR | Damage remarks |
DCL | Document issuer declaration |
DEL | Delivery information |
DIN | Delivery instructions |
DOC | Documentation instructions |
DUT | Duty declaration |
EUR | Effective used routing |
FBC | First block to be printed on the transport contract |
GBL | Government bill of lading information |
GEN | Entire transaction set |
GS7 | Further information concerning GGVS par. 7 |
HAN | Consignment handling instruction |
HAZ | Hazard information |
ICN | Consignment information for consignee |
IIN | Insurance instructions |
IMI | Invoice mailing instructions |
IND | Commercial invoice item description |
INS | Insurance information |
INV | Invoice instruction |
IRP | Information for railway purpose |
ITR | Inland transport details |
ITS | Testing instructions |
LAN | Location Alias |
LIN | Line item |
LOI | Loading instruction |
MCO | Miscellaneous charge order |
MDH | Maritime Declaration of Health |
MKS | Additional marks/numbers information |
ORI | Order instruction |
OSI | Other service information |
PAC | Packing/marking information |
PAI | Payment instructions information |
PAY | Payables information |
PKG | Packaging information |
PKT | Packaging terms information |
PMD | Payment detail/remittance information |
PMT | Payment information |
PRD | Product information |
PRF | Price calculation formula |
PRI | Priority information |
PUR | Purchasing information |
QIN | Quarantine instructions |
QQD | Quality demands/requirements |
QUT | Quotation instruction/information |
RAH | Risk and handling information |
REG | Regulatory information |
RET | Return to origin information |
REV | Receivables |
RQR | Consignment route |
SAF | Safety information |
SIC | Consignment documentary instruction |
SIN | Special instructions |
SLR | Ship line requested |
SPA | Special permission for transport, generally |
SPG | Special permission concerning the goods to be transported |
SPH | Special handling |
SPP | Special permission concerning package |
SPT | Special permission concerning transport means |
SRN | Subsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR) |
SSR | Special service request |
SUR | Supplier remarks |
TCA | Consignment tariff |
TDT | Consignment transport |
TRA | Transportation information |
TRR | Requested tariff |
TXD | Tax declaration |
WHI | Warehouse instruction/information |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
UNTDID 4461 Payment Means
UNTDID 4461 code used to describe the means of payment. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.
Code | Name |
1 | Instrument not defined |
2 | Automated clearing house credit |
3 | Automated clearing house debit |
4 | ACH demand debit reversal |
5 | ACH demand credit reversal |
6 | ACH demand credit |
7 | ACH demand debit |
8 | Hold |
9 | National or regional clearing |
10 | In cash |
11 | ACH savings credit reversal |
12 | ACH savings debit reversal |
13 | ACH savings credit |
14 | ACH savings debit |
15 | Bookentry credit |
16 | Bookentry debit |
17 | ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit |
18 | ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit |
19 | ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit |
20 | Cheque |
21 | Banker’s draft |
22 | Certified banker’s draft |
23 | Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment) |
24 | Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance |
25 | Certified cheque |
26 | Local cheque |
27 | ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit |
28 | ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit |
29 | ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit |
30 | Credit transfer |
31 | Debit transfer |
32 | ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) |
33 | ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) |
34 | ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD) |
35 | ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit |
36 | ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit |
37 | ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit |
38 | ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit |
39 | ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit |
40 | ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit |
41 | ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) |
42 | Payment to bank account |
43 | ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) |
44 | Accepted bill of exchange |
45 | Referenced home-banking credit transfer |
46 | Interbank debit transfer |
47 | Home-banking debit transfer |
48 | Bank card |
49 | Direct debit |
50 | Payment by postgiro |
51 | FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for |
52 | Urgent commercial payment |
53 | Urgent Treasury Payment |
54 | Credit card |
55 | Debit card |
56 | Bankgiro |
57 | Standing agreement |
58 | SEPA credit transfer |
59 | SEPA direct debit |
60 | Promissory note |
61 | Promissory note signed by the debtor |
62 | Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank |
63 | Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a |
64 | Promissory note signed by a bank |
65 | Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another |
66 | Promissory note signed by a third party |
67 | Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a |
68 | Online payment service |
69 | Transfer Advice |
70 | Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor |
74 | Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank |
75 | Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank |
76 | Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a |
77 | Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party |
78 | Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and |
91 | Not transferable banker’s draft |
92 | Not transferable local cheque |
93 | Reference giro |
94 | Urgent giro |
95 | Free format giro |
96 | Requested method for payment was not used |
97 | Clearing between partners |
98 | JP, Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
UNTDID 5189 Allowance
UNTDID 5189 code used to describe the allowance type. This list is based on the EN16931 code list values table which focusses on invoices and payments.
Code | Name |
41 | Bonus for works ahead of schedule |
42 | Other bonus |
60 | Manufacturer’s consumer discount |
62 | Due to military status |
63 | Due to work accident |
64 | Special agreement |
65 | Production error discount |
66 | New outlet discount |
67 | Sample discount |
68 | End-of-range discount |
70 | Incoterm discount |
71 | Point of sales threshold allowance |
88 | Material surcharge/deduction |
95 | Discount |
100 | Special rebate |
102 | Fixed long term |
103 | Temporary |
104 | Standard |
105 | Yearly turnover |
UNTDID 3505 Tax Category
UNTDID 5305 code used to describe the applicable duty/tax/fee category. There are multiple versions and subsets of this table so regimes and addons may need to filter options for a specific subset of values.
Data from https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/untdid/d16b/tred/tred5305.htm.
Code | Name |
A | Mixed tax rate |
AA | Lower rate |
AB | Exempt for resale |
AC | Exempt for resale |
AD | Value Added Tax (VAT) due from a previous invoice |
AE | VAT Reverse Charge |
B | Transferred (VAT) |
C | Duty paid by supplier |
D | Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - travel agents |
E | Exempt from tax |
F | Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - second-hand goods |
G | Free export item, tax not charged |
H | Higher rate |
I | Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - works of art |
J | Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - collector’s items and antiques |
K | VAT exempt for EEA intra-community supply of goods and services |
L | Canary Islands general indirect tax |
M | Tax for production, services and importation in Ceuta and Melilla |
O | Services outside scope of tax |
S | Standard Rate |
Z | Zero rated goods |
UNTDID 7143 Item Type Identification Code
Code | Name |
AA | Product version number |
AB | Assembly |
AC | HIBC (Health Industry Bar Code) |
AD | Cold roll number |
AE | Hot roll number |
AF | Slab number |
AG | Software revision number |
AH | UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5) |
AI | UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-1) |
AJ | Sample number |
AK | Pack number |
AL | UPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5) |
AM | UPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number) Shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1) |
AN | UPC (Universal Product Code) suffix |
AO | State label code |
AP | Heat number |
AQ | Coupon number |
AR | Resource number |
AS | Work task number |
AT | Price look up number |
AU | NSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number) |
AV | Refined product code |
AW | Exhibit |
AX | End item |
AY | Federal supply classification |
AZ | Engineering data list |
BA | Milestone event number |
BB | Lot number |
BC | National drug code 4-4-2 format |
BD | National drug code 5-3-2 format |
BE | National drug code 5-4-1 format |
BF | National drug code 5-4-2 format |
BG | National drug code |
BH | Part number |
BI | Local Stock Number (LSN) |
BJ | Next higher assembly number |
BK | Data category |
BL | Control number |
BM | Special material identification code |
BN | Locally assigned control number |
BO | Buyer’s colour |
BP | Buyer’s part number |
BQ | Variable measure product code |
BR | Financial phase |
BS | Contract breakdown |
BT | Technical phase |
BU | Dye lot number |
BV | Daily statement of activities |
BW | Periodical statement of activities within a bilaterally agreed time period |
BX | Calendar week statement of activities |
BY | Calendar month statement of activities |
BZ | Original equipment number |
CC | Industry commodity code |
CG | Commodity grouping |
CL | Colour number |
CR | Contract number |
CV | Customs article number |
DR | Drawing revision number |
DW | Drawing |
EC | Engineering change level |
EF | Material code |
EMD | EMDN (European Medical Device Nomenclature) |
EN | International Article Numbering Association (EAN) |
FS | Fish species |
GB | Buyer’s internal product group code |
GMN | Global model number |
GN | National product group code |
GS | General specification number |
HS | Harmonised system |
IB | ISBN (International Standard Book Number) |
IN | Buyer’s item number |
IS | ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) |
IT | Buyer’s style number |
IZ | Buyer’s size code |
MA | Machine number |
MF | Manufacturer’s (producer’s) article number |
MN | Model number |
MP | Product/service identification number |
NB | Batch number |
ON | Customer order number |
PD | Part number description |
PL | Purchaser’s order line number |
PO | Purchase order number |
PV | Promotional variant number |
QS | Buyer’s qualifier for size |
RC | Returnable container number |
RN | Release number |
RU | Run number |
RY | Record keeping of model year |
SA | Supplier’s article number |
SG | Standard group of products (mixed assortment) |
SK | SKU (Stock keeping unit) |
SN | Serial number |
SRS | RSK number |
SRT | IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 5 digit product |
SRU | IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 9 digit product |
SRV | GS1 Global Trade Item Number |
SRW | EDIS (Energy Data Identification System) |
SRX | Slaughter number |
SRY | Official animal number |
SRZ | Harmonized tariff schedule |
SS | Supplier’s supplier article number |
SSA | 46 Level DOT Code |
SSB | Airline Tariff 6D |
SSC | Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations |
SSD | International Civil Aviation Administration code |
SSE | Hazardous Materials ID DOT |
SSF | Endorsement |
SSG | Air Force Regulation 71-4 |
SSH | Breed |
SSI | Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number |
SSJ | Engine model designation |
SSK | Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) Number |
SSL | Price Look-Up code (PLU) |
SSM | International Maritime Organization (IMO) Code |
SSN | Bureau of Explosives 600-A (rail) |
SSO | United Nations Dangerous Goods List |
SSP | International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) |
SSQ | International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) |
SSR | International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants |
SSS | Distributor’s article identifier |
SST | Norwegian Classification system ENVA |
SSU | Supplier assigned classification |
SSV | Mexican classification system AMECE |
SSW | German classification system CCG |
SSX | Finnish classification system EANFIN |
SSY | Canadian classification system ICC |
SSZ | French classification system IFLS5 |
ST | Style number |
STA | Dutch classification system CBL |
STB | Japanese classification system JICFS |
STC | European Union dairy subsidy eligibility classification |
STD | GS1 Spain classification system |
STE | GS1 Poland classification system |
STF | Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology of the |
STG | Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Austria classification |
STH | GS1 Italy classification system |
STI | CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) |
STJ | IFDA (International Foodservice Distributors Association) |
STK | AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) pharmacologic - |
STL | ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system |
STM | CLADIMED (Classification des Dispositifs Médicaux) |
STN | CMDR (Canadian Medical Device Regulations) classification |
STO | CNDM (Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici) |
STP | UK DM&D (Dictionary of Medicines & Devices) standard coding |
STQ | eCl@ss |
STR | EDMA (European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association) |
STS | EGAR (European Generic Article Register) |
STT | GMDN (Global Medical Devices Nomenclature) |
STU | GPI (Generic Product Identifier) |
STV | HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) |
STW | ICPS (International Classification for Patient Safety) |
STX | MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) |
STY | Medical Columbus |
STZ | NAPCS (North American Product Classification System) |
SUA | NHS (National Health Services) eClass |
SUB | US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Product Code |
SUC | SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical |
SUD | UMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System) |
SUE | GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, non-serialised |
SUG | Waste Type (EMSA) |
SUH | Ship’s store classification type |
SUI | Emergency fire code |
SUJ | Emergency spillage code |
SUK | IMDG packing group |
SUM | IMDG subsidiary risk class |
TG | Transport group number |
TSN | Taxonomic Serial Number |
TSO | IMDG main hazard class |
TSP | EU Combined Nomenclature |
TSQ | Therapeutic classification number |
TSR | European Waste Catalogue |
TSS | Price grouping code |
TSU | EU RoHS Directive |
UA | Ultimate customer’s article number |
UP | UPC (Universal product code) |
VN | Vendor item number |
VP | Vendor’s (seller’s) part number |
VS | Vendor’s supplemental item number |
VX | Vendor specification number |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
UNTDID 7161 Charge
UNTDID 7161 code used to describe the charge. List is based on the EN16931 code lists with extensions for taxes and duties.
Code | Name |
AA | Advertising |
AAA | Telecommunication |
AAC | Technical modification |
AAD | Job-order production |
AAE | Outlays |
AAF | Off-premises |
AAH | Additional processing |
AAI | Attesting |
AAS | Acceptance |
AAT | Rush delivery |
AAV | Special construction |
AAY | Airport facilities |
AAZ | Concession |
ABA | Compulsory storage |
ABB | Fuel removal |
ABC | Into plane |
ABD | Overtime |
ABF | Tooling |
ABK | Miscellaneous |
ABL | Additional packaging |
ABN | Dunnage |
ABR | Containerisation |
ABS | Carton packing |
ABT | Hessian wrapped |
ABU | Polyethylene wrap packing |
ABW | Customs duty charge |
ACF | Miscellaneous treatment |
ACG | Enamelling treatment |
ACH | Heat treatment |
ACI | Plating treatment |
ACJ | Painting |
ACK | Polishing |
ACL | Priming |
ACM | Preservation treatment |
ACS | Fitting |
ADC | Consolidation |
ADE | Bill of lading |
ADJ | Airbag |
ADK | Transfer |
ADL | Slipsheet |
ADM | Binding |
ADN | Repair or replacement of broken returnable package |
ADO | Efficient logistics |
ADP | Merchandising |
ADQ | Product mix |
ADR | Other services |
ADT | Pick-up |
ADW | Chronic illness |
ADY | New product introduction |
ADZ | Direct delivery |
AEA | Diversion |
AEB | Disconnect |
AEC | Distribution |
AED | Handling of hazardous cargo |
AEF | Rents and leases |
AEH | Location differential |
AEI | Aircraft refueling |
AEJ | Fuel shipped into storage |
AEK | Cash on delivery |
AEL | Small order processing service |
AEM | Clerical or administrative services |
AEN | Guarantee |
AEO | Collection and recycling |
AEP | Copyright fee collection |
AES | Veterinary inspection service |
AET | Pensioner service |
AEU | Medicine free pass holder |
AEV | Environmental protection service |
AEW | Environmental clean-up service |
AEX | National cheque processing service outside account area |
AEY | National payment service outside account area |
AEZ | National payment service within account area |
AJ | Adjustments |
AU | Authentication |
CA | Cataloguing |
CAB | Cartage |
CAD | Certification |
CAE | Certificate of conformance |
CAF | Certificate of origin |
CAI | Cutting |
CAJ | Consular service |
CAK | Customer collection |
CAL | Payroll payment service |
CAM | Cash transportation |
CAN | Home banking service |
CAO | Bilateral agreement service |
CAP | Insurance brokerage service |
CAQ | Cheque generation |
CAR | Preferential merchandising location |
CAS | Crane |
CAT | Special colour service |
CAU | Sorting |
CAV | Battery collection and recycling |
CAW | Product take back fee |
CAX | Quality control released |
CAY | Quality control held |
CAZ | Quality control embargo |
CD | Car loading |
CG | Cleaning |
CS | Cigarette stamping |
CT | Count and recount |
DAB | Layout/design |
DAC | Assortment allowance |
DAD | Driver assigned unloading |
DAF | Debtor bound |
DAG | Dealer allowance |
DAH | Allowance transferable to the consumer |
DAI | Growth of business |
DAJ | Introduction allowance |
DAK | Multi-buy promotion |
DAL | Partnership |
DAM | Return handling |
DAN | Minimum order not fulfilled charge |
DAO | Point of sales threshold allowance |
DAP | Wholesaling discount |
DAQ | Documentary credits transfer commission |
DL | Delivery |
EG | Engraving |
EP | Expediting |
ER | Exchange rate guarantee |
FAA | Fabrication |
FAB | Freight equalization |
FAC | Freight extraordinary handling |
FC | Freight service |
FH | Filling/handling |
FI | Financing |
GAA | Grinding |
HAA | Hose |
HD | Handling |
HH | Hoisting and hauling |
IAA | Installation |
IAB | Installation and warranty |
ID | Inside delivery |
IF | Inspection |
IN | Insurance |
IR | Installation and training |
IS | Invoicing |
KO | Koshering |
L1 | Carrier count |
LA | Labelling |
LAA | Labour |
LAB | Repair and return |
LF | Legalisation |
MAE | Mounting |
MI | Mail invoice |
ML | Mail invoice to each location |
NAA | Non-returnable containers |
OA | Outside cable connectors |
PA | Invoice with shipment |
PAA | Phosphatizing (steel treatment) |
PC | Packing |
PL | Palletizing |
PRV | Price variation |
RAB | Repacking |
RAC | Repair |
RAD | Returnable container |
RAF | Restocking |
RE | Re-delivery |
RF | Refurbishing |
RH | Rail wagon hire |
RV | Loading |
SA | Salvaging |
SAA | Shipping and handling |
SAD | Special packaging |
SAE | Stamping |
SAI | Consignee unload |
SG | Shrink-wrap |
SH | Special handling |
SM | Special finish |
ST | Stamp duties |
SU | Set-up |
TAB | Tank renting |
TAC | Testing |
TT | Transportation - third party billing |
TV | Transportation by vendor |
TX | Tax |
V1 | Drop yard |
V2 | Drop dock |
WH | Warehousing |
XAA | Combine all same day shipment |
YY | Split pick-up |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |