Rate defines a single rate inside a category

Schema ID



Keykeycbc.KeytrueKey identifies this rate within the system
Namenamei18n.StringtrueHuman name of the rate
Descriptiondesci18n.StringUseful description of the rate.
ExemptexemptbooleanExempt when true implies that the rate when used in a tax Combo should not define a percent value.
Valuesvaluesarray of tax.RateValueValues contains a list of Value objects that contain the current and historical percentage values for the rate and additional filters. Order is important, newer values should come before older values.
Extensionsextensionsarray of cbc.KeyExtensions defines a list of keys for codes that can or must be associated with the tax rate for it to be validated. Every key must be defined in the Regime’s extensions.
Mapmapcbc.CodeMapMap is used to associate specific codes with the chosen rate.
Metametacbc.MetaMeta contains additional information about the rate that is relevant for local frequently used implementations.