ReceiptLine defines the details of a line required in an invoice.
Schema ID$defs/ReceiptLine
Title | Property | Type | Req. | Description |
UUID | uuid | string | Universally Unique Identifier. | |
Index | i | integer | Line number inside the parent (calculated) | |
Document | document | org.DocumentRef | The document reference related to the payment. | |
Currency | currency | currency.Code | Currency used for the payment if different from the document currency. | |
Debit | debit | num.Amount | Amount received by the supplier for ordinary payments. | |
Credit | credit | num.Amount | Amount received by the customer in case of refunds. | |
Tax | tax | tax.Total | Tax total breakdown from the original document, only if required by a specific tax regime or addon. | |
Total | total | num.Amount | Total balance to be paid for this line from the customer to the supplier in the currency of the document. | |
Notes | notes | array of org.Note | Set of specific notes for this line that may be required for clarification. |