A Receipt is used to link an invoice or invoices with a payment transaction.

Schema ID



Tax Regime$regimel10n.TaxCountryCode
Addons$addonsarray of cbc.KeyAddons defines a list of keys used to identify tax addons that apply special normalization, scenarios, and validation rules to a document.
Tags$tagsarray of cbc.KeyTags are used to help identify specific tax scenarios or requirements that will apply changes to the contents of the invoice. Tags by design should always be optional, it should always be possible to build a valid invoice without any tags.
UUIDuuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier.
Typetypecbc.KeyType of receipt document being issued.
Methodmethodpay.InstructionsDetails on how the payment was made based on the original instructions.
Seriesseriescbc.CodeUsed as a prefix to group codes.
Codecodecbc.CodetrueSequential code used to identify this payment in tax declarations.
Issue Dateissue_datecal.DateWhen the payment was issued.
Value Datevalue_datecal.DateWhen the taxes of this payment become accountable, if none set, the issue date is assumed.
Currencycurrencycurrency.CodeCurrency for all payment totals.
Exchange Ratesexchange_ratesarray of currency.ExchangeRateExchange rates to be used when converting the payment’s monetary values into other currencies.
Extensionsexttax.ExtensionsExtensions for additional codes that may be required.
Preceding Detailsprecedingarray of org.DocumentRefKey information regarding previous versions of this document.
Suppliersupplierorg.PartytrueThe taxable entity who is responsible for supplying goods or services.
Customercustomerorg.PartyLegal entity that receives the goods or services.
Payeepayeeorg.PartyLegal entity that receives the payment if not the supplier.
Lineslinesarray of bill.ReceiptLinetrueList of documents that are being paid for.
Orderingorderingbill.OrderingOrdering allows for additional information about the ordering process including references to other documents and alternative parties involved in the order-to-delivery process.
Taxtaxtax.TotalSummary of the taxes applied to the payment for tax regimes that require this information to be communicated.
Totaltotalnum.AmounttrueTotal amount to be paid in this receipt, either positive or negative according to the line types and totals.
Notesnotesarray of org.NoteUnstructured information that is relevant to the receipt, such as correction or additional legal details.
Complementscomplementsarray of schema.ObjectAdditional complementary objects that add relevant information to the receipt.
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured data that doesn’t fit into the body of the invoice.

Tax Regime Values

AEUnited Arab Emirates
GBUnited Kingdom
NLThe Netherlands
USUnited States of America

Type Values

paymentA payment receipt sent from the supplier to a customer indicating that they have
received a transfer of funds from the customer directly or a payer.
This is the default receipt type and may be required by some tax
regimes in order to communicate the payment of specific documents and invoices.
remittanceA remittance advice sent from the customer to the supplier reflecting that payment for
the referenced documents has been made.