Preceding allows for information to be provided about a previous invoice that this one will replace, subtract from, or add to.

Schema ID$defs/Preceding


UUIDuuidstringPreceding document’s UUID.
Typetypecbc.KeyType of the preceding document
SeriesseriesstringSeries identification code
CodecodestringtrueCode of the previous document.
Issue Dateissue_datecal.DateThe issue date of the previous document.
ReasonreasonstringHuman readable description on why the preceding invoice is being replaced.
Stampsstampsarray of head.StampSeals of approval from other organisations that may need to be listed.
Periodperiodcal.PeriodTax period in which the previous invoice had an effect required by some tax regimes and formats.
Extexttax.ExtensionsExtensions for region specific requirements.
Metametacbc.MetaAdditional semi-structured data that may be useful in specific regions

Type Values

standardA regular commercial invoice document between a supplier and customer.
proformaFor a clients validation before sending a final invoice.
correctiveCorrected invoice that completely replaces the preceding document.
credit-noteReflects a refund either partial or complete of the preceding document. A
credit note effectively extends the previous document.
debit-noteAn additional set of charges to be added to the preceding document.